
99 lines
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/* stabs.h a.out stabs */
/* (c) 2015 Frank Wille */
#ifndef STABS_H
#define STABS_H
/* stab definition node, created by .stab* directives */
struct stabdef {
struct stabdef *next;
union {
char *ptr;
int32_t idx;
} name;
int type;
int other;
int desc;
symbol *base;
taddr value;
extern struct stabdef *first_nlist,*last_nlist;
/* Symbol table entry format */
struct nlist32 {
int32_t n_strx; /* string table offset */
uint8_t n_type; /* type defines */
int8_t n_other; /* spare */
int16_t n_desc; /* used by stab entries */
uint32_t n_value; /* address/value of the symbol */
#define N_EXT 0x01 /* external (global) bit, OR'ed in */
#define N_TYPE 0x1e /* mask for all the type bits */
#define N_STAB 0x0e0 /* mask for debugger symbols */
/* symbol types */
#define N_UNDF 0x00 /* undefined */
#define N_ABS 0x02 /* absolute address */
#define N_TEXT 0x04 /* text segment */
#define N_DATA 0x06 /* data segment */
#define N_BSS 0x08 /* bss segment */
#define N_INDR 0x0a /* alias definition */
#define N_SIZE 0x0c /* pseudo type, defines a symbol's size */
#define N_WEAKU 0x0d /* GNU: Weak undefined symbol */
#define N_WEAKA 0x0e /* GNU: Weak absolute symbol */
#define N_WEAKT 0x0f /* GNU: Weak text symbol */
#define N_WEAKD 0x10 /* GNU: Weak data symbol */
#define N_WEAKB 0x11 /* GNU: Weak bss symbol */
#define N_COMM 0x12 /* common reference */
#define N_SETA 0x14 /* absolute set element symbol */
#define N_SETT 0x16 /* text set element symbol */
#define N_SETD 0x18 /* data set element symbol */
#define N_SETB 0x1a /* bss set element symbol */
#define N_SETV 0x1c /* set vector symbol */
#define N_FN 0x1e /* file name (N_EXT on) */
#define N_WARN 0x1e /* warning message (N_EXT off) */
/* debugging symbols */
#define N_GSYM 0x20 /* global symbol */
#define N_FNAME 0x22 /* F77 function name */
#define N_FUN 0x24 /* procedure name */
#define N_STSYM 0x26 /* data segment variable */
#define N_LCSYM 0x28 /* bss segment variable */
#define N_MAIN 0x2a /* main function name */
#define N_PC 0x30 /* global Pascal symbol */
#define N_RSYM 0x40 /* register variable */
#define N_SLINE 0x44 /* text segment line number */
#define N_DSLINE 0x46 /* data segment line number */
#define N_BSLINE 0x48 /* bss segment line number */
#define N_SSYM 0x60 /* structure/union element */
#define N_SO 0x64 /* main source file name */
#define N_LSYM 0x80 /* stack variable */
#define N_BINCL 0x82 /* include file beginning */
#define N_SOL 0x84 /* included source file name */
#define N_PSYM 0xa0 /* parameter variable */
#define N_EINCL 0xa2 /* include file end */
#define N_ENTRY 0xa4 /* alternate entry point */
#define N_LBRAC 0xc0 /* left bracket */
#define N_EXCL 0xc2 /* deleted include file */
#define N_RBRAC 0xe0 /* right bracket */
#define N_BCOMM 0xe2 /* begin common */
#define N_ECOMM 0xe4 /* end common */
#define N_ECOML 0xe8 /* end common (local name) */
#define N_LENG 0xfe /* length of preceding entry */
/* n_other & 0x0f */
#define AUX_UNKNOWN 0
#define AUX_OBJECT 1
#define AUX_FUNC 2
#define AUX_LABEL 3
#define AUX_IGNORE 0xff /* vlink-specific, used to ignore this symbol */
/* n_other & 0xf0 >> 4 */
#define BIND_LOCAL 0 /* not used? */
#define BIND_GLOBAL 1 /* not used? */
#define BIND_WEAK 2
#endif /* STABS_H */